Lumbar Back Support for Good Posture

Back pain is an ailment that spares few, and for those with a larger build, finding the right support is crucial. Lumbar support aids can transform daily life for back pain sufferers, and the unique D-shaped lumbar support offers a custom solution.

Lumbar back support will help improve the posture while sitting in the chair. Mangattil Rajesh | Spine Surgeon |

Managing Back pain with Mindfulness

Managing back pain with mindfulness involves a holistic approach that focuses on reducing pain and improving quality of life by developing greater awareness of the mind and body.

Sitting in a relaxed posture for Body scan for Mindfulness | Mangattil Rajesh | Spine Surgeon | Spine Surgeon London

Does bad posture cause back pain?

We spend 90,000 hours at work in our lifetime. The fact is that even if your back pain is not caused by bad posture, it can certainly be made worse by the way you sit stand and walk. We all have a particular style of sitting, standing and working at the office.

Back pain due to bad posture - Slouching | Mangattil Rajesh | Spine Surgeon London

Back pain at Work – How do you prevent it?

The Labour Work Force Survey in the UK estimates that work-related musculoskeletal disorders contribute to 30% of all work-related injuries. Nearly half a million cases are reported annually with a loss of close to 9 million working days.

Back pain at Work | Back Injury at Work | Mangattil Rajesh | Spine Surgeon London |

Instant relief for Back pain at Home

Sometimes back pain strikes suddenly without any warning. Here are 5 tips for Instant relief of Low Back pain during the actual painful episode. Follow these tips and you will find that you have instant control of your back pain.

5 Tips for Instant Control of Back pain | Mangattil Rajesh | Spine Surgeon London |

Bed rest is bad rest for Back pain

Bed rest is bad for Back pain. For so many years we all heard that getting a good rest for some time after Back pain really helps. But recent evidence recommends no rest at all and prefer you moving around.

Bed Rest is Bad for Back pain | Mangattil Rajesh | Spine Surgeon London |

Sciatica – causes, symptoms and treatment

Sciatica is a symptom and not a disease. It just describes the pain. Sciatica simply means “pain along the sciatic nerve”. It is a type of pain that comes from the irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica causes and treatment | Mangattil Rajesh |Spine Surgeon London |

Lumbago – causes, symptoms and treatment

Lumbago is a general term used to describe back pain in the lower back region. Lumbago is very common and affects 80% of the population. It is common for all ages and in young people who have demanding physical work.

Lumbago causes and treatment | Mangattil Rajesh |Spine Surgeon London |

5 Back Pain Conditions That Mainly Affect Women

You will be very surprised to know that there are a set of unique conditions that are more common in women than men. Why? Because their anatomy and childbirth make them prone to developing back pain and back pain-related problems.

Back Pain conditions that affect Women | Mangattil Rajesh | Spine Surgeon London |

Core Strength for Back Pain Treatment

‘Core strength’ is the strength in the middle portion (core) of your trunk in a standing position. Understand where the actual ‘core’ in a human body is and how the ‘core muscles’ is responsible for low back pain.

Improve your Core Strength to reduce Back pain | Mangattil Rajesh | Spine Surgeon London |