Neck Pain with Arm Pain

Relief from neck pain with arm pain!

Neck pain is a common condition caused by strain & bad posture. But if your neck pain causes numbness and weakness in the arms, it may be due to an issue in your spine. Neck pain with arm pain may need proper attention before it turns into a serious problem causing lasting damage.

Mild pain or soreness in the neck region & the arms due to strain might go away in a couple of days. But if your neck and arm pain persists for more than a few days, you have to observe if you have any of the following neck and arm pain symptoms as well:

  • Neck pain spreads down the arms
  • Numbness, tingling or weakness in arms, shoulder and hands.
  • Neck pain persists for several days without relief
  • Headache

When you have one or more of the above neck and arm pain red flags, it’s advisable to visit your spine doctor. The above neck pain with arm pain red flags mean that your neck pain is related to the bones, nerves, or an injury in the discs of your cervical spine. It could be Cervical Radiculopathy.

Do not be afraid. Most neck pain with arm pain symptoms can be addressed with just physical therapy, posture correction and simple medication. Only rare cases require spine injections or surgery. The neck pain with arm pain symptoms is a call from your body for your attention. Simple exercises and posture awareness alone go a long way in addressing your pain and strengthening your spine!

Neck Pain with Arm Pain?

Feel free to talk to me. I will be happy to answer all your questions and concerns.

Make your appointment today!

What causes Neck Pain with Arm Pain?

Neck pain with arm pain are caused by:

  • Poor posture while sitting, standing & walking for over a period of long time
  • Jerking your neck during exercise
  • Ageing
  • Accidents
  • Injury to the neck or head
  • Prolonged neck problems
  • Whiplash injuries


Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical Radiculopathy is a condition where a pinched or irritated nerve in the neck causing pain, numbness or weakness radiating into the chest or arm. There are many reasons – ruptured disc, degenerative changes in bones, arthritis, or other injuries that put pressure on the nerve roots. In some rare cases, Cervical Radiculopathy can also be caused by:

  • Infections in the spine
  • Tumours in the spine caused by cancer
  • Benign, or noncancerous, growths in the spine


Some of the other serious conditions causing neck and arm pain are:

Herniated discs:

  • A herniated disc can put pressure on the spinal canal and nerve roots, causing pain, numbness, and weakness.
  • A bulging disc can also put pressure on the nerve, causing debilitating pain.


Bone spurs:

  • By wear and tear on the vertebrae, which are bony malformations that can put pressure on discs and inflame the nerves, causing pain.
  • Can put pressure on discs, the discs can flatten, dehydrate, and degenerate, causing neck pain with arm pain.


Cervical spinal stenosis:

  • Cervical spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column due to bone spurs or disc protrusion. It is sometimes referred to as a “pinched nerve”.
  • Central stenosis can pinch the spinal cord, and foraminal stenosis can pinch the nerve roots that exit through the foramen.
  • This pinching can cause back, shoulder, and arm pain. It can also cause numbness and weakness in the arms and hands.


Neck pain with arm pain caused by spine issues can also be treated with physical therapy and spinal injections, or in some rare cases minimally invasive spine surgery may be needed. Whatever the case, complete pain relief from your neck pain with arm pain is 100% possible!

All you have to do is visit your spine doctor when your neck pain with arm pain persists for more than a few days, and make some small changes in your lifestyle under his/her guidance.

London neck pain specialist Dr Mangattil Rajesh is all about healing and long term pain relief. He genuinely cares about spinal health as a way forward towards healthy & stress-free life.

If you are suffering from severe neck pain, book an offline/online consultation today in London with Mr Rajesh at 07956 318 383 or have a chat with him.

Diagnosis for Neck Pain with Arm Pain

An accurate diagnosis is important to determine the source & causes of your neck and arm pain so that it can be effectively treated. An experienced Consultant Spine Surgeon would know how to read the minute details and diagnose your condition precisely.

Consultant Spine Surgeon Mr Rajesh will use one or more of the following diagnostic procedures to pinpoint the cause of your neck and arm pain caused by a possible pinched nerve in your neck.

Physical Examination:

Specialist physical assessment of your spinal joints, ligaments & muscles helps Mr Rajesh understand where the pain is. He will be able to assess the cause and extent of your neck and arm pain with these examinations.

You may need other tests:

MRI Scans:

Consultant Spine Surgeon Mr Rajesh will need magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to look at your neck muscles, soft tissues, ligaments, black disc, disc prolapse and spinal stenosis. This information along with your story will help Mr Rajesh decide and recommend the best plan of action.

MRI scan is the best investigation to get information on the soft tissues.


Standing X-rays from your front and the side will give Mr Rajesh a good assessment of your spinal alignment, if there are some spinal curvature, scoliosis or fractures.

CT scans:

Computerised Tomography (CT) is not needed routinely as it brings in the risk of significant radiation. But it is very useful to look at the extent of damage to your bones in your spine. It therefore gives valuable information of the structure and shape of the spine.

Blood tests:

Blood tests are not routinely needed in the investigation of and arm pain. These are useful if the you have fever, infection or suspicion of inflammation.

Bone density test:

Also known as a DXA (or DEXA) test, is used to determine whether you have osteoporosis or if you are at risk of getting it.

Nerve Conduction studies:

Electromyography (EMG) is used to reveal whether you have a compressed nerve, which may be caused by a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.

Diagnosing the underlying cause of your neck and arm pain at the right time is essential to start your ideal treatment plan!

Treatment for Neck Pain with Arm Pain

Spine consultant & surgeon Mr Mangattil Rajesh always begins with using a conservative approach for the management of neck and arm pain, for long term relief.

The first line of neck and arm pain treatment usually consists of non-surgical methods such as physical therapy and spinal injections. Most people with neck and arm pain do not require surgery. Mr Rajesh and his treatment methodologies focus on relieving the pain and keeping you as active as possible through physical therapy and practice.

Experienced neck pain specialist in London, Mr Rajesh understands the underlying causes for neck pain and the various ways it affects the patient. Mr Rajesh creates a tailor-made multi-disciplinary neck and arm pain treatment plan specifically for you. 


The neck and arm pain treatment plan involving one or more of the following:


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

  • Paracetamol
  • Codine
  • Naproxen

Muscle relaxants like diazepam are also prescribed in some cases to treat muscle spasms and ease nerve-damage pain.


Physiotherapy & Exercises:

Mr Rajesh believes in treating most neck and arm pain problems through non-surgical ways such as lifestyle correction, exercises, and physiotherapy as part of his comprehensive neck pain treatment in London.


Spinal injections for Neck pain:

Spinal steroid injections are an effective way to offer instant pain relief for your neck and arm pain. Spinal steroid injections are administered into the outermost part of your spinal canal (not directly into the canal). Under X-Ray guidance, Spinal specialist Mr Rajesh would precisely inject a local anaesthetic to treat pain and a steroid to ease inflammation and reduce swelling.

Spinal injections are safe and effective treatments for neck and arm pain due to inflammation caused by arthritis of the facet joints. The spine injection options are:

  • Caudal epidural injection
  • Facet joint injection
  • Trigger point injection
  • CT guided Nerve Root injection

These injections offer immediate relief from acute neck and arm pain. Spine specialist Mr Rajesh takes a multi-disciplinary approach for the management of neck and arm pain. He believes in treating and healing the causes of neck and arm pain without surgery in most cases.

Patients may feel some pressure during the injection but mostly the procedure is painless. Spinal Steroid injections are given into and around the facet joints in your neck and arm to reduce the inflammation. Spinal injection for neck and arm pain treatment in London is done as an outpatient procedure, so you will not need to stay in hospital overnight.

The procedure takes about an hour to complete. Mr Rajesh and his team will give you specific post-care instructions to recover faster.

Mr Mangattil Rajesh recommends physiotherapy and will guide you with some mild exercises to get long term relief from your neck and arm pain. A Spinal steroid injection can reduce and arm pain for up to three months. However, it is usually a crucial part of a holistic neck and arm pain treatment programme. The Spine steroid injection reduces the symptoms so that physiotherapy is more effective.


Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery:

When the neck and arm pain travels down your arm to your fingers, it can be associated with a feeling of pins and needles, tingling and a loss of sensation at the tips of your fingers. MRI scan will possibly show a prolapsed or a slipped disc trapping the spinal nerve supplying your fingers.

Sometimes there is a block in the spinal canal due to disc prolapse or chronic arthritis. Gradually, this will affect the way you walk.  MRI scan will show a blocked spinal canal trapping the spinal cord in the neck called Cervical Canal Stenosis. Your bladder, bowel and sexual function can be compromised. This requires urgent surgical intervention.

Cervical Spine surgery may be recommended in a prolapsed disc or a stenosis to relieve the trapped spinal nerve and spinal cord. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) is the most common procedure recommended in these situations.

Mr Rajesh is a skilful practitioner of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) procedures such as Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)

You’re in safe hands! One of London’s best-reviewed spine surgeons, Mr Rajesh has treated thousands of patients with severe neck and arm pain successfully over the years. He forms a comprehensive neck and arm pain treatment plan personalised for the requirements of each of his patients, with a combination of medication, exercises, spine injection and surgery wherever required.

Get in touch with him today. Mr Rajesh and his team would be happy to help you with your neck and arm pain treatment in London!


Recent Google Reviews of Mr Mangattil Rajesh


Mr Rajesh was excellent and I count myself very fortunate that he is my consultant surgeon. I could not have asked for a more courteous and professional experience. I could not fault anything. Mr Rajesh was very professional he explained everything in detail on all my visits. From initial consultation to post op Mr Rajesh took care of everything.

Dr Bhav Gami

Thank you so much to Mr Rajesh for helping my father when he was an inpatient at the height of the pandemic. Mr Rajesh is an amazing surgeon and was very informative, thorough and professional. Luckily my father was not infected with Covid 19 despite being an inpatient for 6 weeks.

Kemal Ykm

Dr Mangattil Rajesh is my hero he has helped me a great deal with my fractured back after a car accident. My recovery has improved significantly ever since he took on my case with regular consultations and real talk. He knows his stuff so I trust him with every decision we make together Lore Epsom.

Neck Pain with Arm Pain?

Feel free to talk to me. I will be happy to answer all your questions and concerns.

Make your appointment today!

Stretches & Exercises for Neck Pain Relief

Mild stretches will help loosen your tense neck and arm muscles. This helps release some pressure on the spine & the nerves, and also strengthens other surrounding muscles to help you move.

It is advisable to take each step gently as any stretches that cause excessive strain can damage your neck and arm muscles.

Spine surgeon and Consultant Mr Rajesh recommends these 6 quick stretches as the best exercises for relief  from neck and arm pain in the comfort of your own home:

1) Forward Bend

2) Backward Bend

3) Side Bend

4) Side to Side Turn

5) Roll your Neck

6) Pull your Neck Back and Hold

6 Simple stretches for Neck pain that will help with instant pain relief Mangattil Rajesh Spine Surgeon in London

Perform these stretches as per the instructions in the above image and you’ll feel instant relief from your neck and arm pain. These pain-relief exercises recommended by Mr Rajesh helps relieve the tension in your neck and shoulder muscles.

Remember to breathe in and out slowly and deeply during these neck and arm pain-relief exercises. Also, stop whenever you feel any discomfort during the exercises.

As part of your comprehensive Neck pain treatment plan, London Neck pain specialist Mr Mangattil Rajesh will guide you with more specialised physiotherapy and exercises to get complete relief from Neck and arm pain.

Call spine specialist Mr Rajesh at 07956 318 383 today, for your effective neck treatment in London!


Instant Relief for Neck and Arm Pain at Home

If you experience minor neck pain or stiffness, London neck and arm pain specialist Mr Mangattil Rajesh recommends you take these simple steps to relieve the neck and arm pain:

  • Take a break from activities and rest.
  • Apply ice for the first few days.
  • Apply heat with a heating pad, hot compress, or even by just taking a hot shower.
  • Over the counter pain relievers can be taken.
  • Exercise your neck every day.
  • Slowly stretch your head in side-to-side and up-and-down motions.
  • Adopt good posture.
  • Take a few days off from sports, activities that aggravate your symptoms
  • When you resume normal activity, do so slowly as your symptoms ease
  • Get a gentle neck massage.

If your neck and arm pain persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult with a doctor to identify and rectify if there are any deeper problems with your neck such as issues in the spine. In that case, a spinal injection would be recommended as the first step to relieve the neck and arm pain.

If you are experiencing neck and arm pain for a long time it is important that you speak to a neck pain specialist. When you choose to visit spine surgeon Mr Rajesh for neck and arm pain treatment in London you can rest assured that his professional team will ensure that you receive the best treatment available to relieve your neck and arm pain completely.

Neck Pain after COVID

General body aches, neck and arm pain are also among the most frequently reported symptoms of COVID-19. The neck is one of the most common places people with COVID-19 report feeling pain. General body aches, muscle pain, or joint pain are common symptoms of COVID-19 and other viral infections. It’s thought that neck and arm pain too is part of the ‘flu-like’ symptom that is commonly seen in COVID.

Neck and arm pain often appears in the early stages of the disease, but it can also be a long-haul symptom that persists for weeks or months after infection. Neck and arm pain can have many possible causes. It’s impossible to know if your neck and arm pain was caused by COVID-19 unless you also had a positive COVID-19 diagnostic test. COVID-19 infection can stimulate the release of pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines by the viral attack on your immune system.

Neck and arm pain caused by COVID-19 is often described as a deep pain instead of a sharp or stabbing pain that may accompany a sudden muscular injury. Neck and arm pain caused by viral infections is also less likely to be eased by changing your posture than the pain caused by muscular injuries.

Some people with COVID-19 develop symptoms that last weeks or months after the original infection. These persistent complications are called long-haul symptoms. Neck and arm pain is one of the most common long haul symptoms of COVID-19.

Patients with any concern about their neck and arm pain should not hesitate to seek evaluation. It is always better to be reassured & start with pain relief measures that will stop the development of any long term pain/damage.

Have you started feeling persistent pain in neck after recovering from COVID-19? Feel free to contact the trusted neck and arm pain specialist in London Mr Mangattil Rajesh at 07956 318 383!

Frequently Asked Questions about Neck and Arm Pain

Mostly neck and arm pain often goes away without treatment. But if your neck and arm pain persists for more than a few days and if it occurs with any of the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor without delay!

  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Neck pain worsening at night
  • Pain down your arms
  • Worsening numbness of your fingers
  • Weakness in your arms
  • Loss of bladder and/or bowel control

If your symptoms are mild, you can get rid of pain caused by pinched nerves in the neck by:

  • Hot and ice packs provide immediate relief for neck and arm pain
  • Taking a break from your desk work and resting
  • Over the counter non-steroidal painkillers
  • Massage
  • Yoga
  • Acupuncture
  • Soft cervical collar for support


Most neck and arm pain conditions can be treated effectively with medication, physical therapy and spinal injections. Only in very few cases, pinched nerves in the neck requires surgery.

Yes. If you have as disc pinching or trapping the nerve that runs to your forearm. Neck and arm pain caused by pinched nerves is referred to as Cervical Radiculopathy. It needs attention. Most cases of neck and forearm pain can be cured with physical therapy and medication. Some rare cases may require surgery.

You can get immediate relief from neck pain along with radiating arm by:

  • Taking a break from work and resting
  • Elevating your arm to help reduce swelling.
  • Hot and ice packs provide immediate relief for neck pain
  • Over the counter non-steroidal pain killers

In most cases, the neck and arm pain from a pinched nerve in the neck will resolve on its own within 3 to 4 weeks. However, the symptoms of a pinched nerve in the neck may return over time. If your symptoms of cervical radiculopathy keep returning, there are various non-surgical and surgical treatments available.

Spinal injections are generally safe procedures. They are also the most effective for instant relief from serious conditions of the spine. If complications occur, they are usually mild and self-limited. However, like with any treatment procedure, it has some of the common risks with epidural steroid injections like infection, bleeding, steroid face flushing, anxiety, menstrual changes, water retention, etc.

Insurance Affiliations

Spine Surgeon London is authorised by all major Insurance companies. We offer seamless and world class treatment for your Back pain or Neck pain. We accept all major Insurances. We are fee assured with the following private medical insurers:

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